A lifestyle newborn portrait session with Kimberly Brooke Photographic is a beloved way to capture the precious moments of your new baby's life.

For newborn clients, a lifestyle session focuses on capturing slightly more natural interactions between baby and family. Sessions take place in the family's home, allowing for a more relaxed and authentic atmosphere. I work to capture the spontaneous moments of connection and emotion, coupled with gentle posing instruction, that results in a beautiful and heartfelt tribute to all the joy and love that a new baby brings.

During our time together, I capture baby with both parents/the family, baby with each parent, baby alone, and if siblings are involved, of course we get as much as we possibly can with them, depending on their comfort level of holding and interacting with the baby. I even include pets as often as I can.

These fleeting moments with your newborn are priceless, and once gone you can’t get them back. I highly recommend capturing this early newborn stage within the first 2 weeks after birth! It’s best to book your Houston Newborn Portrait Session prior to giving birth to be sure your photographer is available. You can reserve your session as soon as you know your due date. And don’t forget to include other milestones like maternity, six months and one year portraits. You will never regret having these photo heirlooms, but you will likely regret missing them if you let it pass you by.


Haidyn! First of all, let me start by saying I am obsessed with the name Haidyn for a girl. Absolutely love it. This young lady was as kind and enjoyable as she is beautiful. Haidyn, her Mom and I toured campus to get some shots with all of the gorgeous architecture, and then ended up in a field at an abandoned church. It didn’t look like much to the naked eye, but I knew come sunset, it would be magical. Thank goodness my clients trusted me!

Miss Haidyn had all the right wardrobe choices and her hair and makeup were perfection for photos. It also helped that she is super photogenic. I don’t think I took a single “bad” photo of her.

Haidyn is graduating from Hendrickson High School this Spring, and plans to go into nursing, hopefully something to do with babies. So sweet. Haidyn said she really loves school and is sad to see it come to an end… but if she goes into nursing I’m sure there will be a lot more school in her near future. She’s graduating after doing 4 years of cheer, and she also said that she can’t live without her family and dogs.

Best of luck in the future Haidyn! I know you’ll do great things.